CBY February 24th service: A Celebration of Your Tallit

The parshah for February 24/25, Terumah, includes God’s instructions to Moses about how to build the Mishkan/Dwelling Place—the portable sanctuary that will follow the people through the desert.

In that spirit, we ask that each of you bring your tallit—your own portable sanctuary—and share its story.    If you prefer, bring another Jewish object that has accompanied your family’s journeys: a kiddush cup, spice jar, book…

We’ll share the stories of these family treasures and link those stories back to the stories in the parshah.

Joanne Slotnik and Steve Trimble will lead the service.  Marv and Jeanne Goldstein will conduct the children’s service.  Karen Nielsen-Anson will provide crucial help with our music.  Tzedakah goes to CBY.

We look forward to seeing you at Kol Ami for our 6:00 p.m. vegetarian potluck dinner in the religious school wing and our service in the Pepper Chapel at 7:30 p.m.