Shalom Chavurim,
We hope you can join us this Friday, March 23, at 6:00 p.m. for vegetarian potluck and Shabbat services. Bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share and a serving utensil for your item.
We will be collecting tzedakah for Crossroads Urban Center; in addition to generous cash donations, we will happily accept canned or packaged food!
Please do NOT enter the Kol Ami building through the main doors, but rather come up to the Youth Lounge along the sloping sidewalk along the north side of the building. (This sidewalk starts at the “top corner” of the parking lot just north of the Pepper Chapel entrance.)
Service leaders are Harvey & Sharon Rishe, musical leaders Rob Mayer and Alan Fogel, and children’s service leader Betsy Smith. Last month’s Torah portion introduced the Mishkan, the portable desert sanctuary. The parsha we study this week, Vayikra, describes the sacrificial worship to be performed in that sanctuary. If you ever wanted to question and discuss the idea of animal sacrifice, this is your opportunity. Come and get a new focus on this ancient and difficult topic.
We look forward to seeing you Friday!
Feel free to contact Sharon Rishe with any questions at: