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Now is the Time to Join Chauvurah B’Yachad (CBY)
We would love to have you be a part of our community. As you know, we are a lay-led congregation, with services marked by group participation, music, prayer, and community.  Each service is preceded by a vegetarian pot luck dinner.
We are a community concerned with social justice.
We celebrate a number of Jewish holidays throughout the year, hold monthly Torah Study conversations, and partake in quarterly discussions on topical issues.

We are Utah’s only affiliate with Reconstructing Judaism, which is the central organization of the Reconstrctionist movement. “Reconstructionists approach Judaism — and life — with deep consideration of the past and a passion to relate it to the present, encouraging people to be their best selves — always helping to shape what it means to be Jewish today and to imagine the Jewish future”.


Please contact Rachel Fischbein, President, with any questions.